Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just some questions

I am having trouble formulating one coherent thought, essay, inspiration today. And I think it is just because I have so much on my mind. In fact, I am having trouble getting out of my head these days during my "off-time" from work. So I thought if I just posted all the random questions and thoughts spinning around...then I could breathe and get a massage and a margarita. This better work.

1) So what happens after we die? Does everyone have the same experience? Are there really ghosts? Do those free "ghost hunting" apps on the i-phone work? And should I be freaked out that mine said "blood, body, I"?

2) I went to this dinner where a stylist was speaking--offering advice on when your clothes have reached their "expiration date". I have realized that using her guidelines....3/4s of my closet has reached its "expiration date". I was wondering if I were to really purge these you think she'd let me borrow her credit card? Because in following her advice I would be walking around nearly naked and that might be bad publicity for a stylist. Just sayin.

3) If I take 15 minutes a day....would I be capable of filing all of my paperwork in a week's time? I think not.

4) Some days I listen to my daughter and I think that I have given birth to a smarter and more dramatic version of myself. I owe my parents a case of Opus One. Actually the whole winery.

5) When will "no" just mean "no"? Will someday the "no" just kick-in as meaningful? Will the "no" command respect? Will consistency make "no" work? Did Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey accept "no" as children? I tell myself "no" and this is the only thing that gives me hope for the future of all of us.

6) Is it time to accept that I won't have another child? To embrace that next stage of my life? That is hard on many days for some reason.

7) Is the world coming to an end? Do I need to rethink my exit strategy?

8) If my coffee pot says I am drinking 6 cups of coffee, but it only fills up 2 1/2 mugs....doesn't that mean I am only drinking 2 full cups of coffee?

9) Who is my authentic she who I think she is, I am....whatever?

I'm going to just rebel and leave the questions at 9. That kind of encapsulates how I'm if I could figure out one more thing--neatly reach a #10....the rest of it would be very clear. You'd think reaching answers are hard....reaching the question is sometimes the toughest task of all.

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